
Shop and do a good deed at the same time! It’s as simple as that. Start your shopping in favour of our donation project at at:
Shop and help without any added costs!
When you make a purchase at more than 1,600 partner shops and service providers you can support our school at – regardless of whether you’re buying fashion, technology, office equipment or travel.
How Bildungsspender works
Online retailers automatically pay part of the purchase price to as a donation. 90% of these donations benefit the “ALLEZ-HOPP” Friends’ Association. The remaining 10% go to to cover expenses as the website works as a non-profit “Unternehmergesellschaft” entrepreneurial company.
What does that mean for you?
There are no extra costs for you and you do not have to disclose any personal information in any form. Registration is not required at You pay the same price, as you would have done if you had visited the online retailer directly instead of via